Vypracovali sme pre Vás pár otázok a odpovedí na otázky, ktoré sa môže pýtať náš zahraničný partner, prípadne rodina klienta. Je určite vhodné pre pohovorom si osviežiť slovnú zásobu súvisiacu s opatrovaním. Nemusíte sa ich učiť naspamäť, slúžia skôr na ilustráciu.

Vypracovali sme pre Vás pár otázok a odpovedí na otázky, ktoré sa môže pýtať náš zahraničný partner, prípadne rodina klienta. Je určite vhodné pre pohovorom si osviežiť slovnú zásobu súviasicu s opatrovaním.  Nemusíte sa ich učiť naspamäť, slúžia skôr na ilustráciu. Je zásadné vedieť pomenovať bez zaváhania diagnózy klientov a vymenovať všetky činnosti, ktoré ste počas pobytu u klienta vykonávali. Určite nevyznie dobre ak na otázku ohľadom Vašich skúseností budete 10 minút rozmýšlať ako sa to povie správne po anglicky. Samozrejme by ste si mali prejsť Váš životopis a mať v pamäti, kde, ako dlho ste pracovali a akého ste mali klienta. Odpovede na otázky by mali byť primerane rýchle a plynulé. Určite nie je dobré pozerať sa do svojho vlastného životopisu a hľadať v ňom odpovede.

Tell me more about your caring experience with elderly? (What is your caring experience with elderly (old people)?)
I was caring for elder patients since ... till .... I was working in a caring home and took care for males and females with various diagnosis. (or I was taking care for elder male/ female / for grand parents / parents, and have experience with such diagnosis as (vyberte to s cim ste mali skusenosti: Dementia, Alzheimer´s, Parkinson, Incontinence, Stroke, Cancer, Immobility, partly immobility, patient with rolator, patient on a wheelchair, eating disorder, Diabetes, hoist (zdvihak), very high age...).

What were your duties? What did you do?
I was doing complete personal hygiene. I was showering patient, bathing, helping with toilet. I helped patient to get up from bed. Cooked breakfast, lunch and supper. Helped him/her to eat. When they had a rest I cleaned the house or cooked a dinner. We enjoyed to talk a lot, play some border games or just watch TV. We went out outside regularly. I have great memories from my work in UK and I had excellent relationship with families. I was doing shopping as well and light gardening.

Do you have experience with immobile patients?
Yes I had immobile patients. It is hard job of course, but I know how to help this people, how to transport them, do hygiene, give medications.

Do you know how to use hoist? (Hoist – zdvihak)
Yes I know how to use hoist, as I was caring for immobile patients before.
No I don´t have experience with hoist, but I have heard about hoist and read about it. I think I can learn fast how to use it.

Do you have experience with patients with Dementia? Alzheimer´s disease?
Yes I have experience with this diagnosis. Practically all patients in high age have Dementia. I know that they forgot some things, could be disoriented, can leave a house, be even aggressive. So you need to be very attentive to patient. Speak with him or her and try to be caring and patient.
You need to have an order during the day and try to do simple things with patient, as eating, watching TV, drinking tea, talking, going outside, reading books.

Are you willing to stay in UK/Netherlands for longer period of time? For how long are you able to stay in UK/Netherlands?
I can stay in for 2-3 months. It depends on concrete job offer.

Are you flexible enough to work 1 month with one client and then 1 month with another? Are you ok with travelling between 2 clients, if it is necessary?
Yes / No

Do you have Health Care certificate? Health care course?
Yes i have Health Care course. I have finished it in . And had theoretical and practical part.
It was very helpful training.
No I don´t have Health Care certificate. But I have experience.

What do you usually cook? /What are your favourite meals? / Can you cook English meals?Do you know some typical Dutch meals?
I enjoy cooking. I cook fresh meals, soups, vegetables, meat with rise, fish, salads. I love healthy food. I can cook some English meals according to the receipts.

Do you like to do housekeeping? / Are you willing to do housekeeping?
Yes I am tidy person. I have a house (flat) here in Slovakia. So I know how to keep big house (flat) clean.
Yes I am willing to to housekeeping: cleaning, washing, laundry, ironing.

Why would you like to work in United Kingdon/Netherlands?
I like England, British people and culture. I have never been in Netherlands before and I like new challenges. I would liek to get to know new culture, meet new people. I like to care for elderly. I think I understand them a lot. I would like to improve my English language as well and gain new experience.

Do you have experience in working abroad?
Yes I worked in UK (Austria, Germany, Spain, France…) atd
No I haven´t worked in UK before, but I was travelling to UK / Holland, Austria, Germany. etc)

Do you like to travel?
I enjoy travelling a lot. I have been in …. countries …
I am flexible and independent. I like to travel and meet new people and talk with them about their culture and life. I am easygoing and flexible person.

What are you hobbies?
Sport, reading, nature, animals, atd...

Describe yourself in few words? 
I am hardworking, kind, patient person. I think I am as well honest and sincere.